Thursday, November 15, 2012

VHALIO: The iBook Project

Since a couple of years ago I had the idea of making a story for children. Back in university I've started to develop the idea by the codename VHALIO, but after a few months it ended to be the main character's name. It started as a project for an animated feature, but, being realistic, i've decided to make a less impossible thing, so I tried to do an online comic, but I have failed in the try. After more than a year I have retaken this project and decided to do an illustrated iBook, you know is easier and i'll work each free time i have. Here are some concepts of the main characters...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rehendêre Direwolf of Snow Lands

yeah, it is a Rehendêre... don't ask me where the name came from, i just have been told of it many years ago.
It's supposed to live in the High Snow Lands of Rehendêre, where blood is the only thing warmer.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Water Dragon Treasure

Here is another concept. This one's just for practicing, hope you like it!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tear Of Life

Guess what? i found a copy of the archive in my hard drive, so i finished it, not as i wanted a few weeks ago, but i wanted to finish what took me so long to draw, so here it is :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Space Girl Concept

This Girl is part of the concept art practicing i'm doing at the office, hope you like it

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tear Of Life WIP

This one was an ambicious project i had in mind, i wanted to take screens of every step of the process, for the end make some kind of tutorial for noobies.
But i did this one at the office, and, working on other thing, i erased the PSD by accident and the only thing left was the screens... in jpg... that was sad, but i wanted to share this work anyway.