Thursday, October 10, 2013

This week's sketch

This has been a very very busy week in the studio, but today I had a little space to do a small 15min sketch! :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today wasn't the best day ever... but I had an opportunity to draw some doodles :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Work in Progress

The next character I want to develop, is the brave warrior, so I've started this illustration (applying what I learnt with the disney study I did last day) this is how is getting by its first day of work!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

today's practice & an illustrated flyer for my band

Today was a free day at the office. I had to do a flyer for my band's upcoming show and I went creative.
Also, I started to study Disney's way of colour, not bad for the first try, hope to learn something...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fourth Entry: Cosmic Girl

I forgot to upload the fourth entry. One of my favorites so far. It is supposed to be a classic NES videogame published and developed by Gamesbourg in late 1989.

Music makes her smile

This is the sixth entry for the challenge.
I worked much more time on this one, also, I had a lot work to do so it took me 3 days to finish it. (Not complete days)
Hope you like her, she's soo happy listening her favorite song from  Rockpaper Scissors: "Heat of my Heart" you can listen to it here:

The Golden Colossus

This is the fifth entry for my own challenge: "create 20 characters and work on them deeply" but this one ain't finished.

The problem is that, at the beginning the challenge was "one entry per day" and each one became more complex as I worked. "The golden colossus" is supposed to be a bigger project, a complete story line with a lot of characters. But for now I only did this unfinished concept.

Hope you like it!

Mc Goblin & Ogre Jr: Spooky Tales Where Bad Guys Always Win vol.1

The third one is a book cover.
I don't know why I imagined that the ogre was the main character of a tale where bad guys always win.
Mc Goblin is the leader of the party.


The second character was a lil' bit more difficult to develop, since I didn't like her the first time I drew her. But after a few minutes of thinking, I realized it could be a sad story about a blind girl and her cat living in a ghost town. The problem is that the girl doesn't know anything about her loneliness, so the cat works hard everyday to make her think the town is full of people.

Rescuing Blackbird

After finishing 20 original characters, I've put myself another challenge: to develop each character more deeply. Here's the first one I did, "Rescuing Blackbird" it's supposed to be an iOS endless runner with 3 different characters.

20 characters in 1 day Challenge

I challenged myself to do 20 original characters in one single day. For pro artists, this may sound easy, but it was a complete challenge for me, after the 15th character I didn't know what to do!
Going from a bird sensei to a caricature of myself, the only thing I could say is: "This was good" I've paused my drawing a long long time because I was working on a project in gameloft where I was designing UI, so I didn't have enough time to practice what I really love: drawing.
This was refreshing!
Hope you like these characters...